Sunday Soup

Good Sunday Evening,

Finance Committee met last Week…

We had a very productive committee meeting last week on Monday, the 17th, led by Matt Mlynarchek.  Some of the key items that we discussed are summarized below. 

  • We will be opening

    Bids for the new CTE storage barn

    at 10am on Monday the 24th.

  • The newly agreed upon

    Secretarial and Directors contract

    will be up for approval.

  • Summer work is well underway and includes new HS bleacher, renovation to the PE/Athletic Locker Rooms/ renovation of the HS Science Labs.

  • August 6th, we are encouraging everyone to vote.  The no-mill tax extension will be on the ballot.  If you would like to learn more, please click on:


  • Our


    continue to do well, yielding over 5% and creating a monthly interest income.

  • Thunder Bay is looking to expand its site at our INT/MS location.  They are looking at alternative funding sources and grants so they can add more space for more providers to improve services.  Learn more about the Thunder Bay Community Health Clinic and the services they provide by clicking on:

Curriculum Committee met last Week…

We had a very productive Curriculum Committee meeting last week as well on Tuesday, June 18th, led by Jamie McClintic.  Some of the key items that we discussed at that meeting are summarized below. 

  • We are having some issues with

    damage to Chromebooks

    being returned by students at the end of each year.  The cost to repair or replace these Chromebooks is approximately $35,000.  One idea to better regulate the use of Chromebook is by supplying each teacher with a classroom set.  The student would then have to check out the Chromebook if they needed to take it home or out of the classroom.

  • Summer School is going well as we enter into the last week.  We

    still will have our MS and HS summer camps

    running through July.  I believe all, or most of the camps, are full but please double-check with the building principals directly, if interested.   

  • We will have two

    new teachers’ recommendations

    for the BOE to consider. 

  • Premier subs have been approved to return next school year, 24-25, by both the Finance and Curriculum committees.

  • Inverness is growing.  We have been studying the numbers for Inverness and it appears we are growing and will continue to grow internally and externally.  Each year we have more and more students choosing our online options or hybrid option.  We encourage all students to attend their home school, traditional setting, first.  However, if the traditional setting does not work for them, we have an alternative educational option for them to consider.   

  • Math Curriculum work continues into the Summer.  Jamie McClintic is leading our dedicated math teachers (K-12) in continued math curriculum work.  We spent a lot of time and energy during this past school year embracing our new math curriculum and that work is carrying over into the summer.  I appreciate the math teachers taking time out of their summer to truly digest this curriculum so that that they may fully implement the new math curriculum with fidelity this fall.  Great Teachers + Great Curriculum =

    Student Success

    …Go Chiefs!

Athletic Committee Notes…Review

Notes from the Athletic Committee Meeting on June 13th, led by Jason Friday. 

  • Hosting the Baseball and Softball Districts was a huge success with a special thank you to all the

    folks that helped prepare the fields and manage the games


  • Fall sports begin August 12th

  • The newly formed Freshmen VB team has 15 games scheduled for next season already

  • The new FB scoreboard will be installed in approximately two weeks.   A big

    thank you to Citizens National Bank

    for purchasing the scoreboard for the school district!

  • Proposed FB Homecoming date is 10-18 vs Grayling

  • Youth Camps going well and participation is up.  Please contact the head coach directly if you need camp details for your sport.

  • It was proposed to send out the weekly athletic schedule on Sundays next school year through our new Apptegy system.

  • Recognized

    Conference Champs

    and the Banners are being Updated!

    • Girls VB

    • Girls Bowling (+Regional Champs)

    • Softball

    • Girls Cross Country

    • Two students qualified for state finals in Track this year:

      • Bella Ecker in the high jump (finished 15th)

      • Lucas Sidlauskas in the discuss (finished 10th)

  • Jason Friday also wanted to send a

    special thank you to Marianne Ridings and the Sports Booster Club

    for all of their donations and support this 23-24 school year.  They have helped and supported every athletic program at the MS and HS this year.  The total monetary contributions totaled this year alone was $46, 020!  Thank you, Booster Club!

Free Breakfast and Lunch this Summer!

The free breakfast/lunch program has started.  The free breakfast/lunch program is for any person 18 and younger.  It does NOT have to be a Cheboygan student to receive a free meal and you do not have to be enrolled in summer school to take advantage of the summer food program. 

  • Breakfast will run from 8:00am to 9:00am

  • Lunch will run from 11:00am to 12:30pm

  • Food will be


    at the Middle School and East Elementary

  • Food will be available this Month, June 10-27, (July and August Schedules will be released soon.)

If you have any questions or concerns about the summer food program, please email our Food Service Director, John Galacz, at

HS Assistant Principal Posting closes on Friday, June 28th

We will be accepting HS Assistant Principal applications through the end of the day on Friday, June 28th.  Please contact Marlene Alexander, Human Resource Director, for details and/or click on the following link to find that posting, and all other current postings/openings:

Gym Floors to be Re-finished this Summer

Reminder, the MS and HS gyms will be off limits during our annual summer re-finishing process which takes about one week.  No one can be on the floors during this process, no practice or walking on the floors from July 30th to August 3rd as the new finish cures.  It takes at least a day or two to sand the old finish off the floors and then a day or two to put a new application of sealant/finish on the floors and then a day or two for the sealant to cure and dry.  Once completed, it will look brand new again and ready for the school year!

Please Vote on August 6th!

As you know, the school district has issued a Referendum Resolution for August 6th, 2024, Election.  The referendum comprises of three priorities:

  1. Addressing facility needs at East Elementary.

  2. Upgrading aged infrastructure within the entire district.

  3. Implementing important projects that prioritize safety, accessibility, and enhance the environment of students, staff, and visitors at our schools.

This proposal is a zero-mill tax increase so your tax bill will NOT increase, it will remain the same, however, the passing of this referendum will allow the school district to renew our current depleting bond fund which will allow us to continue to maintain and create the best educational environments possible for our students, your children. 

The school district will be posting updated referendum information at this site to keep you as well informed as we can:

Also, we have just released a new information YouTube video for your review:

We will also be presenting this information at the board meeting on the June 24th and again at the Rotary luncheon meeting on July 10th.

Week @ Glance:

Monday – June 24th        

  • 10:00 – CTE Barn Bid Opening

  • 10:00 - Interview

  • 12:30 – Lunch

  • 1:00 – Cabinet Meeting in BR

  • 6:30 – BOE Meeting in BR

Tuesday – 25th       

  • Byrd – Personal Day – Off

Wednesday – 26th           

  • 12:00 – Rotary Luncheon

Thursday – 27th   

  • 10:00 – Meet with Mechanics Union

  • 1:00 – Meet with Teachers Union

  • 3:00 - Interview

Friday – 28st

  • HS AP Posting Closes

  • Byrd – Vacation Day - Off

Thank you for your time and support, it is greatly appreciated.  Go Chiefs!

Spencer S. Byrd

  • BA – Education – (Olivet) – 1991

  • MA – Education Administration – (NEIU) - 2005

  • EdS – Education Specialist Degree - (WIU) - 2014

  • CSBO – Chief School Business Official Endorsement - (U of I) - 2021

  • CAA – Certified Athletic Administrator Endorsement – (NIAAA) – May, 2024

Quote for the Week: “Teaching is the Greatest Act of Optimism.” – Joyce Meyer    

Important Future Dates:

  • July 1-5 – Byrd Off

  • July 10th – SL Presentation @ Rotary Luncheon

  • July 11th – Athletic Committee Meeting @ 6pm

  • July 16th – Finance Committee Meeting @ 10am

  • July 16th – Curriculum Committee Meeting @ 3:45

  • July 17th – Central Office Staff Meeting @ 10am

  • June 19th – Economic Development Day – Leadership Cheboygan

  • July 22nd – Cabinet Meeting @ 1pm

  • July 22nd – BOE Meeting @ 6:30pm

  • July 30th – MS and HS Gym Floors to be Refinished

  • August 5th – Building Administrators/Lead Secretaries Return to School

  • August 6th


    – Vote!

  • August 7/8th – Superintendent Retreat - COPESD

  • August 12th – Official Start for ALL

    HS Fall Sports

    Programs – MHSAA

  • August 13/14th – Adaptive BP Training at COPESD

  • August 15th – Athletic Committee Meeting @ 6pm

  • August 20th – Finance Committee Meeting @ 10am

  • August 20th – Curriculum Committee Meeting @ 3:45

  • August 22nd – Central Office Staff Meeting @ 10am

  • August 26th – Cabinet Meeting in BR @ 1:00

  • August 26th – BOE Meeting @ 6:30pm

  • September 3rd – Start of the 24-25 School Year for Students